

  • De-risk your avant-garde technologies
  • Predict in-vivo performances at early stage
  • Reduce time to market

After more than 10 years of academic research between a university hospital and a top-tier biomechanical lab, PrediSurge was founded to bring the power of digital twin technology to the cardiovascular community.​​

As of today, PrediSurge has strong partnerships with several major devices manufacturers for different applications of digital twin technology, from early device development to use in daily clinical practice.




graph Digital twin

Numerical simulation (Finite Element Analysis) is a game-changing tool that can revolutionize the way you design, test, and validate new medical devices. While many manufacturers use it solely for validation and verification, there is so much more potential to unlock.

At PrediSurge, we’re leading the way in cardiovascular digital twin technology, having simulated over 500 patients. Using our expertise, we can guide you through the entire numerical simulation journey, from initial verification and validation to full integration of digital twin technology throughout your product lifecycle.

With this approach, you can accelerate your product development timeline and bring your innovations to the market faster than ever before. Let us help you unlock the full power of numerical simulation for your medical device development needs.


Patient-specific digital twin

A patient-specific digital twin is a digital replica of a patient’s organ, extracted from pre-operative imaging. It has not only the same shape, but also similar biomechanical properties as the actual organ.

This digital twin is used to simulate accurately devices implantation, taking into account how devices interact with the anatomy.​

Virtual Lab

PlanOpᵀᴹ Virtual Lab is a platform designed for in silico testing. The collaborative approach enables easy interactions between different project stakeholders. PlanOpᵀᴹ is an HDS compliant platform, that can host healthcare data in a clinical setup, for a safe and easy collaboration between engineers and clinicians. An embedded viewer enables advanced 3D visualization of the different implantation scenarios on any web browser.


PrediSurge digital twin database

3D geometry files

In-vivo, ex-vivo or in-vitro imaging

Versatile input data files
Virtual testing
  • 3D Visualization of the different configurations /designs
  • Visualization of strain, stress, and other fields
  • Device mesh deployed in specific anatomies
  • On-demand post-processing: device apposition and radial forces mapping
Advanced results visualization
Versatile input data files
Virtual testing
Advanced results visualization

PlanOpᵀᴹ Virtual Lab is compatible with versatile input data files used to simulate different interventions scenarii, to try different devices designs in patient-specific anatomies or to reproduce in-vitro testing virtually.​

Advanced results visualization, quantitative values, maps, and mesh can be provided to support analysis of device design and behavior.

Why PlanOp™?

Streamline time to market

  • De-risk early cutting-edge technology​
  • Answer questions from regulatory authorities​
  • Compress design iteration period
  • Early stage prediction of in-vivo performances

Increased simulation accuracy thanks to digital twin

Test in digital twin mimicking real life conditions, to better prepare first-in-human​.

Reduce R&D costs

  • Boost R&D while reducing costs​ thanks to virtual testing
  • Decrease the utilization of animal and in-vitro testing
  • Compress design iteration period
reduce R&D costs

PlanOp™ In Action

Delivery system simulation

Insertion of stiff endovascular tools inside the aorta digital twin can be simulated as shown in the illustration:

  • Original anatomy (A), with introducer (B), comparison between both (C).
  • Simulation of device deployment with the introducer (D) enables the analysis of the whole process from access to deployment.
Retrosp. sim.

Post market retrospective simulation

In this case of stent-graft collapse seen on post-op CT (A, B), numerical simulation (C) was used retrospectively for root cause analysis.

Overlay of simulation (D, in red) with post-op CT (D, in grey) shows simulation accuracy.

Retrospective use of numerical simulation can have many applications, particularly in the context of post-market studies.

Retrosp. sim.

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